On the edge of the trail and in clearings, more light falls to the forest floor, and in these areas there is more diversity. Pyrola asarifolia - Pink Wintergreen. Heracleum lanatum - Cow parsnip. Linnaea species - Twinflower .... to agree with the Ansel Adams reference - that's exactly what I was going to write. Some of those are worthy of framing. Thanks for sharing so many great pics and the info; it's fun (and cheap) to live vicariously through the vacations of others! ...
Cari amici che mi avete sostenuto e scritto messaggi di solidariet? mentre mi affannavo sul lavoro, senza un attimo di sosta in tutta l'bestate/b, vi annuncio che da stasera sono ufficialmente (quasi) in ferie ...per qualche giorno! b.../b